October 21, 2012

Fall Fun: Tons of Ideas and Recipes

I have this love affair with fall. It's when I seem to really start cooking again. I mean, it's not as if I'm not cooking during the summer. My family is not starving to death if you were worried.

It's just I don't LOVE cooking in the summer. It's too hot in Georgia. Truth be told, it would probably still be too hot for me in Maine, but whatever.

Fall, on the other hand, begs for cooking. The amazing apples, sweet potatoes, squashes like butternut and pumpkin. All of them are glorious!! It's a joy to pull out the food processor, and hand blender to make soups and homemade apple sauce.

As I was reminiscencing and thinking of some fall recipes I really wanted to make, I thought I'd share some from the past....

Chocolate Acorn Treats

Mummy Dogs

Rice Cake Eyes and Apple Teeth (I know this photo is TERRIBLE. Thankfully I've learned a few photography tips since then!!)

And of course, we can't forget the silly family costumes that have come in the past. This year it's another book. Stay tuned to see what we come up with!

Here are the scientist and four seasons.


This one seems to be the online favorite.

The Three Little Pigs

Butternut Squash Wedges

Apple Pie Soup

Pumpkin Lattes and Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Pancakes

Creamy Spiced Pumpkin Soup

Hot Chocolate Cake

Crockpot Apple Butter

Happy Fall and Happy Cooking!!

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