- pack clothes and toys like you are going on vacation - everything else gets packed several weeks before the move - they will love opening their "new" toys in the new place
- use one room as the "packed" room and put all of the boxes in there, stacked as high as you can
- label all the boxes with the room AND contents and if you are using movers, number all the boxes so you can check them all off at your new place
- get LOTS of boxes, more than you think you'll ever need and put everything possible in them. yes, it's easier to pack the pillows in trashbags, but it's not easier for movers to load and unload bags instead of boxes - remember boxes stack, bags don't
- craigslist is a great place for free boxes (contact me if you want my secret way for more boxes)
- purchase packing paper
, do not use free newspaper because the ink gets everywhere and then everything has to be washed - really do you want to do MORE work?
- pack books in smaller sturdy paper boxes. you know the kind that reams of paper are sold in and offices use?
- use wardrobe boxes for tall outdoor things like rakes, shovels, brooms and big light things like couch pillows and giant stuffed animals
- stretch wrap
your furniture if your movers won't, it's like industrial strength plastic wrap and it's amazing (incidentally to tear it just poke your fingers through it and then it will tear easily...see what working at Home Depot taught me?)
- most important - do a little at a time - taking breaks, playing with the kids, reading the paper, those are the things that keep you sane
Not everyone thinks it's an upstairs office, to them it might be just another bedroom. I labeled every room in the house to make it easier for the movers to unload without my direction.
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