
February 22, 2010

Why I Love Martha Stewart - Meringue Cookies

From the time I was in high school and my Mom got Martha's Entertaining cookbook, I have loved Martha. Back then it was just Martha and her talents. These days I know it's an empire of creative and talented people, but I am still in love. I think my love affair comes from the fact that Martha pushes me to be better, try harder and venture just a little out of my comfort zone. I know I can make the recipes in BHG, Taste of Home, or Southern Living (my go to cookbook) without much straining of the mass between my ears. I have family cookbooks, and hand written recipe cards that I know so well, I don't really have to do more than glance at them. Then there is Martha.

I subscribe to Living, the MS magazine. I open the pages and read each magazine from cover to cover (I am NOT a jump around kind of gal). I devour this magazine in my spare time. Usually that means I'm reading it in the bathroom until I hear children calling my name. Or maybe I sneak in a few minutes of reading while I'm cooking one of those no-brainer meals. I dream of all of the crafts, entertaining, and recipes I will create straight from the pages of Living. I envision the matching decor with twelve specially prepared dishes all served in the perfect dishes from my vast collections of vintage enamelware and milk glass. We eat out on my veranda or somewhere in the yard with lanterns I made from Ball jars. The children are all dressed in perfect outfits that show off their summer tans catching fireflies....ok the fantasies get a little carried away - I don't have the veranda (or even the rest of it). This does not deter me from making a few of the crafts and recipes out of my fantasy life. I like tackling the ones presented in Living because they are a little challenging, often something I have never made before.

These lovely meringues I just made for Valentine's Day came straight off the front cover of the February Living issue. They are not something I would ordinarily make. Meringues, while not hard, take time. I have never made meringue as cookies, only as pie topping. The magazine showed them atop an amazing chocolate torte, but I wanted to make something for my kids and their friends. I did have the ingredients so I decided why not? I whipped up the eggs, sugar and cream of tarter the night before Valentine's. I added a little striping for the purple ones by painting the inside of my piping bags with food coloring. Then I tinted the rest of the batch pink. I put them in my fancy oven for a timed bake and it automatically shut off that night several hours later while the house was asleep. The next morning, I came downstairs to these cute hearts just perfect for little hands. Each of my kids got a box filled with them to take to Sunday school to celebrate Valentine's Day with their friends

Having Martha in my home, makes me a little better and more adventurous, broadening my horizons. Thanks Martha, you will always have a special place in my heart.


  1. I so agree with you about Martha. I think she has actually stretched us all to be better homemakers, gardeners, cooks. She has been an inspiration to me since 1982 when I stumbled across her first ever TV special on public television. I still subscribe to the magazine, knowing that there is now a team of experts behind her.

  2. You have such a sweet and cute blog!

    Congrats on the foodie blogroll!


  3. I couldn't agree with you more. I love Martha too. She is such a good role model for women and everything she does, she does it well.
    Hope you have a wonderful weekend.
    *kisses* HH

  4. I wonder if Martha knows she has inspired another generation. She did inspire many of us to try new things. Did you know that your favorite green bean recipe is from her Entertaining book?


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