
February 21, 2010

Flower Cake & Cupcakes

This cute cupcake and matching cake were for a one year old birthday party. The small cake is just perfect for the baby to enjoy all herself. The rest of the party attenders each got a strawberry cupcake. These were very simple to make and just took a little time. Each flower is a marshmallow cut with kitchen shears. You hold the marshmallow on it's side and snip almost all the way through four times. This makes five petals when you fan it out. Then you dip the cut sides into colored sugar which sticks perfectly to the marshmallow. The dot in the middle is piped icing to finish off the look. I used colors from the napkin (she got them at the dollar store) I was given for a guide to the party colors- very bright and fun. Apparently the birthday girl loved her cake.


  1. I hate how icing flowers taste but love the way they look. I love they way marshmallows taste but they aren't super attractive.

    You have totally solved my delemma.... and in such a pretty way! Thanks!!!!

  2. These were so precious - and I can attest to the fact that the birthday girl did indeed love her cake! Actually, she went for the flowers first and before I could decide if I should cut it up for her she had already devoured the whole thing - lol! (um, the flower that is. not the cake.)

    Thanks again!! (By the way, everyone at the party kept asking who made these as if somehow they KNEW it wasn't me . . . ha ha ha! You definitely got credit though!)

  3. Love the pink!!! The cake and cupcakes are toooo cute!


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