
June 6, 2010

Fast & Easy Goat Cheese Appetizer

Delicious and easy - what could be better?  I mentioned in a previous post I made this for a book swap party. It was a new recipe for me, but once I tried it I knew I'd be going back to it again and again. I garnished with some blueberries that have just ripened from our bushes out back, but you could use strawberries or raspberries or even some herbs.

Salty Sweet Goat Cheese Appetizer

1 log goat cheese
salted sesame seeds already shelled
Pour the sesame seeds onto a dinner plate.  Roll the goat cheese in the seeds until it is well covered (use your fingers to press them in if needed). Be sure to cover the ends of the log. Place the cheese on your serving plate and drizzle with honey. Garnish and serve with crackers. Now seriously, how easy was that???

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