
March 6, 2010

Fighting Childhood Obesity with Jamie Oliver

I just came upon a TED (technology entertainment and design) video clip about Jamie Oliver aka The Naked Chef. In this clip Jamie talks about how he wants to fight childhood obesity in America. He lays out the facts, pinpoints the problems and provides solutions. This clip is 21 minutes long, but I was fascinated, especially the part 11 minutes in that shows him in a West Virginia schoolroom where the kids don't know what any of the veggies are!!! This is a problem near and dear to my heart. I love food, I love my kids. As I blogged yesterday I want to teach them about food choices right alongside teaching them reading and writing, through exposure and cooking. Check out Jamie's speech here.

After you watch that, you can get more on ABC on March 26th. You may already know this, but I'm living in the dark ages over here. I gave up TV for lent and have no idea what's going on out there in tvland. Seems little Jamie is all set to share a Food Revolution with the world. I looked at previews of the TV show and he is going to show some of the things he did while in West Virgina to change the situation. His entire video from the school visit looks like it will be part of the show. Let me tell you, if you haven't been to school to have lunch with your kid lately, you'd be shocked at what's there. It's gross - seriously. You can't depend on school to teach your kids healthy food choices and cooking. It has got to happen at home. Go cook something with your kids this weekend and let me know how the show is, since I won't be able to watch it until after Easter!


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