
August 1, 2009

Cherry Pie

Is there anything more summery and delicious than cherry pie? Mom's birthday is in June so we made her a cherry pie complete with lattice top.  I really love Martha Stewart, so I adapted her recipe here...Sweet Cherry Pie.  I buy lots of cherries when they are in season (when I was a kid we had a cherry tree, so I developed my obsession early on) and then pit them and freeze them for winter cobblers too.  You MUST have a good pitter to make this task easier.  I have a great sturdy aluminum one by Westmark Kernex that I love.  You have to pit the cherries in a deep sink, because there is definitely dark red spray that goes everywhere and my fingers are red for a day afterwards, but it is sooooo worth it.  The pitter is so easy, my 5 year old can operate it and the 3 year old takes the stems off.  It's a family event!  Oh, and don't even get me started on how easy it is to dehydrate them and so much cheaper than store bought!!

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